Thursday, 31 May 2012

The Cannes series- The screening and the madness!!!!

22nd of June, 2012

still early . ought to sleep more... Five hours is too less.

call Mom. it's 12 noon in India, must be in a lecture. Why am I queasy. I didn't even drink at india pavilion party.

Breakfast in the hotel. Funny, I am in Cannes, no French toast , French fries, let alone French wine in breakfast buffet.Sigh! Vegetarian me.

Time to leave for for the hair and make up appointment with L'oreal. Tummy ache.

En route Carlton. I love the roads. Even potted plants adorn the windows with inherent aesthetic. Actually, aesthetique is more a way of life than an effort.

It's started. with the girls. Everyones excited. The make-up artist hardly speaks English.She touches my face, reminded of Dilip Kumar running a feather over Madhubala's face in Mughal-e-Azam. doesn't try to make me fairer, (common practice among most Indian artists).
I was not to wear heels, because of knee surgery. Now the girls are towering over me. Will wear now.

Walk from the Carlton to the Marriott, the venue of screening. People are curious, even though dolled up girls walking along the Croissette is no rare occurrence.

A blitzkrieg of photographers right outside the venue. Something comes over me. I know not how to pose, feel like a deer in headlights, yet manage to look confident. Or do I?

it dawns on me...

I am standing beside Anurag Kashyap,Manoj Bajpayee, third to enter at the director' fortnight at the 65th Cannes Film Festival, 2012.

Eduard winterthoe, the director of director,s fortnight is introducing the film on stage. The hall is packed.
Applause. Anurag, Manoj then I walk in.Applause again.

... I am living my dream.


  1. Ask manoj to take better care of his health...he is nearly panting while talking...not a good sign for someone so young. He needs to go on diet/gym ask him....lose some he can keeping making movies till his 90s...a la Clint Eastwood, Satyajit Ray.

    Tigu is motu too...he 2 needs to lose some weight....

  2. not manoj but anurag k. Sorry...wasn't paying attention while typing...


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