Thursday, 4 April 2013


A lot has happened since I blogged last...  a few films, a massive feminist movement in Delhi post the rape of Jyoti, new friends found while old ones moved on,new relationships, new lessons in patience, new losses, new skills acquired and  a life changing award.

Much to be grateful for. 
(life in pictures will be posted in the next blog... The current-one is going to be disjointed, I can feel it. Getting the groove back will take a bit of time )

While my laptop has about seven unfinished passionate blog-buds that never flowered, my mind has a hundred.
 My teacher at Adishakti in Pondicherry, Vinay, had once said that the mind is often hyperactive during travel.  So here, after about a total of 16 hours of travel, 10 of which were in air, then first momentous blog post has Durban, South Africa.

An unpopular opinion...

यहाँ इक खिलौना है इन्सां की हस्ती ये बस्ती है मुर्दा - परस्तों की बस्ती यहाँ पर तो जीवन से है मौत सस्ती ये ...